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Java SDK

The Code for the Java SDK can be found here:

Check for Receiver existence

Api api = new Api(ApiMode.SANDBOX);

// read the key and secret from the environment
String secret = System.getProperty("BRIFLE_SECRET");
String key = System.getProperty("BRIFLE_KEY");

// authenticate with the credentials
SuccessfulAuthenticationResponse response = api
.authenticate(key, secret)

// this token is valid for 2 hours
String token = response.getAccessToken();

ReceiverRequest request = ReceiverRequest
.withName("Max Mustermann")

ApiResponse<CheckReceiverResponse> re = api.content().checkReceiver(token, request);
// does not exist
assert re.isError();
assert re.getError().getCode() == 40401;
assert re.getError().getStatus() == 404;

// does exist
assert !re.isError();
assert re.getData() != null;

Send Content

        // read from resources or other source
InputStream contentStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("Willkommensbrief-4.pdf");
byte[] content = contentStream.readAllBytes();

// encode pdf to base64
String base64 = java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(content);

Api api = new Api(ApiMode.SANDBOX);

// authenticate with the credentials
SuccessfulAuthenticationResponse response = api
.authenticate(key, secret)

// this token is valid for 2 hours
String token = response.getAccessToken();

ReceiverRequest to = ReceiverRequest

String tenant = System.getProperty("BRIFLE_TEST_TENANT");
SendContentRequest request = SendContentRequest.builder()

SendContentResponse res = api.content().sendContent(token, tenant, request).getData();
assert content != null;

Send Content with Signature Request

        InputStream contentStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("Willkommensbrief-4.pdf");
byte[] content = contentStream.readAllBytes();
// to base64
String base64 = java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(content);

// read the key and secret from the environment
String secret = System.getProperty("BRIFLE_SECRET");
String key = System.getProperty("BRIFLE_KEY");

Api api = new Api(ApiMode.SANDBOX);

// authenticate with the credentials
SuccessfulAuthenticationResponse response = api
.authenticate(key, secret)

// this token is valid for 2 hours
String token = response.getAccessToken();

ReceiverRequest to = ReceiverRequest

// request signature reference
CreateSignatureReferenceRequest request = CreateSignatureReferenceRequest
.addField("FeldName", "FeldRolle","Der Zweck")
.addField("FeldName2", "FeldRolle2","Der Zweck2")

ApiResponse<CreateSignatureReferenceResponse> res = api
.createSignatureReference(token, System.getProperty("BRIFLE_TEST_TENANT"), request);

String tenant = System.getProperty("BRIFLE_TEST_TENANT");

// prepare signature request
SendContentRequest.SignatureInfo signatureInfo = SendContentRequest.SignatureInfo

// prepare content
SendContentRequest request2 = SendContentRequest.builder()

// send content
SendContentResponse res3 = api.content().sendContent(token, tenant, request2).getData();
String id = res3.getId();

assert content != null;